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Reading Notes

My name is Doa’a Obeidat . I’m 24 years old and i’m a communications engineer .

This is my notebook , I will write all my reading notes here.

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

Reads Links
Main Main
Growth Mindset Growth Mindset
Mark Down Mark down
Git git
javascript javascript
OperatorsAndLoops OperatorsAndLoops
Functions Functions
color color

Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

Reads Links
reading 1 class01
reading 2 class02
reading 3 class03
reading 4 class04
reading 5 class05
reading 6 class06
reading 7 class07
reading 8 class08
reading 9 class09
reading 10 class10
reading 11 class11
reading 12 class12
reading 13 class13
reading 14a class14a
reading 14b class14b

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

Reads Links
reading1 reading1
reading2 reading2
reading3 reading3
reading4 reading4
reading5 reading5
reading6 reading6
reading7 reading7
reading8 reading8
reading9 reading9
reading10 reading10
reading11 reading11
reading12 reading12
reading13 reading13
reading14 reading14
reading15 reading15

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

Reads Links
read01 Pain and big O notation
read02 Testing and Modules
read03 FileIO & Exceptions
read04 Topic
read05 Linked Lists
read06 Game of Greed 1
read07 Game of Greed 2
read08 Game of Greed 3
read09 Game of Greed 4
read1 Stacks & Queues
read11 Data Analysis
read12 Topic
read13 Linear Regressions
read14 Data Visualization
read15 Trees
read16 Machine Learning Intro
read17 Web Scraping
read18 Cryptography
read19 Automation
read26 Intro to Django
read27 Django Models
read28 Django CRUD and Forms
read29 Django Custom User
read31 Django REST Framework & Docker
read32 Permissions & Postgresql
read33 Authentication & Production Server
read34 API Deployment
read36 DSA Review
read37 Graphs
read38 React2
read39 React3
read42 Pythonisms
read43 Ethics in Tech