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# What is Version Control system ?

Version Control system : Control is a system that allows you to revisit various versions of a file or set of files by recording changes.

Local Version Control: A Local VCS entails one database on your hard disk that stores changes to files.

Centralized Version Control: This system entails a single server storing all changes and file versions, which can be accessed by various clients. This streamlined the collaboration process , allowed programmers to have more knowledge of team members’ activities with certain files, and gave administrators much more control over divvying up revision privileges.

Distributed Version Control: A Distributed Version Control systems (DVCS) addresses the major vulnerability of the CVS: the server as a single point of failure.

what is Git?

Git is a DVCS that stores data in a file system made up of snapshots. Each time you save a changed version of your project — called commit — Git creates a snapshot of the file and stores a reference to it. If the file has not changed, Git only stores a reference to the already-stored identical version of it.