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EJS Partials

Partials are templates that we can write, that we can include in other templates. For example our html boilerplate, we don’t want to include on every template, that’s not very DRY.

Let’s go ahead and create those partials. Under the views/partials/ directory create a file callednavbar.ejs which will contain only the HTML for the navigation bar at the top of the home and post pages:

<div class="header clearfix">
        <ul class="nav nav-pills pull-right">
            <li role="presentation"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
        <h3 class="text-muted">Node.js Blog</h3>


and a file called footer.ejs in that same directory: <footer class="footer"> <p>© 90210 Lawyer Stuff.</p> </footer>


Now that we have our partials defined, we can use them in our home.ejs and post.ejs templates! In EJS, any JavaScript or non-HTML syntax you include in your templates is always surrounded by <% %> delimiters (you could change these delimiters if you really wanted to). Including a partial in EJS is quite straightforward. You use <%- include( PARTIAL_FILE ) %> where the partial file is relative to the template you use it in.